smiling dogs

We drove out to the cabin last weekend to do some work

Sadie went swimming for the first time

Bob and Greg dug a deep hole

A really deep hole…they were adding heat trace and installation to the water line going down from the cabin.  why you ask? because it’s alaska people, apparently the ground freezes, winter lasts seven months long and we’ve got about five weeks until it starts. wowwahwewah!

Cherie and I painted the kitchen ‘sagey’ green

good thing the refrigerator is getting replaced, i probably dented that corner

Everything turned out great! I love productive weekends.

speaking of productive weekends, I have been busying myself with cleaning and starting the demo today. I managed to get rid of the garbage compacter and the range today and tear up the carpet.  I also took sadie on a 1.5 hour walk this morning and i have hardly seen her move since…apparently this is the way to quiet her puppy hyperactive moods.

~ by kmdingman on August 29, 2009.

2 Responses to “smiling dogs”

  1. wowwahwewah is right! That IS a deep hole. The kitchen looks great. Love the color.

  2. I want a nice kitchen by the time I visit.

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